Draft On Delivery (D.O.D)

Draft On Delivery (D.O.D)

In case the shipper does not wish to give credit to its consignee, and the client wishes to pay only after the receipt of the shipment, our Draft On delivery (D.O.D) service takes care of the same. We collect a Demand Draft in the shipper's name and hand over the same to him. Thus paving a way for smooth e-Commerce.

Our Services

Road Ways
Rail Ways


  • Address: 12 Koteshware Apartment,
    Jiva Mahale Road, Near Garware Chowk,
    Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400099
    Tel : 022 4964 2086, +91 93239 49190
  • Email: customersupport@vpexlogistics.com
  • Website: www.vpexlogistics.com

Some of Our Customers who use our services for Annual Reports Dispatches: